Monday, October 14, 2013

Another Week!!!!!

Hello everybody!!!
    Sorry I dont have too much time today. Argentina has so many holidays for the most random days. They are basically just an excuse not to work. But it took us forever to find a place to that was open and we could use to email. But the computers here are probably from the 80´s or something haha. Super slow! But its all good. Sounded like a great week for everybody!! And the kids got the wonderful job of cleaning the ditch haha! Lucky them! But I honestly miss that. Seriously. But sorry dad, there is no way I´m touching the ditch/asakias here to clean them. They are beyond disgusting haha! So Dallin got to go and play basketball at Red Rock, those we were good days. But still not as good as here haha! But I havent gotten to play basketball since Iv been here in Argentina, so I will be pretty rusty when I get home. But if you want to play soccer, call me Messi and bring it on haha! So Dallin and Amy got to share a little bit of the gospel with Slimy Steve huh? That is awesome. Now you just need to send the missionaries to his house! Or maybe the missionaries there in Phoenix can fake an injury or something so that they have a reason to go to the hospital to see him!! Oh Mom, an Elder from my District came back from the offices this week from doing visa stuff, but he brought me my ´´Miracles Happen´´ tshirt. Thank you so much. I love it! I will send a picture next week when I can use a computer who has that ability haha! Dad, so another missionary from Tucson is joining me. That will be nice!! I will keep an eye out for her!
      Oh my goodness, the miracles just keep poaring in for Dallin and Amy. And for all of us! I love seeing how the Lord is watching out for us. And for little clay as well haha!!
     Man, Riley Heflin. What a guy. He is seriously so great. Truly an example for all of us! And I remember him having the AC seperation right after mine. My havent given me too much problems. Somethimes a little soar in the morning. But nothing much!
      So this week has been super frustrating, but so rewarding as well!! First we found a new investigator that looks so promising. She is married and has 4 kids. Her husband is less active. But we set goals with both of them, Maria and Carlos Chavero. A baptismal date with Maria and a goal with Carlos to get reactivated so that he can baptise his wife. They couldnt go to church yesterday becaue they had to go to Mendoza. But they are so awesome! Then we have been having a lot of success with other less actives as well. We had 5 less actives come to church yesterday, and it was awesome. But of course there are so many more here in Alvear that need some work haha!
       But like I said, this week was so frustrating as well. We had a lesson with Patricia this week. And her husband refused to come out of his room and see us. Then Patricia told us that her husband is refusing to get married. And to make matters worse, she didnt come to church yesterday, the first time in like the last 2 months. We dont know the reason because we havent been able to see her since. But its alright. We just need to keep woring hard with her, praying more, and keep the faith!
       And then things are a little difficult with Antonia as well. We talked with the President of the branch here and he doesnt want her to get baptised until she attends all of church and gets to know more members. But she hasnt been to church in the last 3 weeks. We pass by before church and she keeps having some reason of why she cant come. So we keep having to change her fecha. But it´s alright, again. Its kind of the same as Patricia. With the Lord we can do anything!
       Well I´m off to play some futbal with the District and to make some Horchata with Elder Flores (one of the blessings of having a comp. from Mexico haha). Have a great week and I look forward to haring from all of you next week. I love you all!!

Elder Wengert-W9

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