Monday, September 2, 2013

¡Life is Good!

      Where to start haha! First of all we had a a meeting with the Zone Leaders this week who had just gotten back from the offices, so you know what that means. Mail time!!! Grandma I recieved your packages, and thank you so much! Love listenng to conference whenever I get the chance! And that night we cooked the cookies and had a delicious snack of mate and the cookies. Yes, I officially love mate. It is so good! I have a cup of it just about every morning for breakfast haha! But Jess, oh I mean Sister Wengert, I got your package as well! Thank you so much for everything! I am rocking the skinny as we speak haha! But seriously, thank you!! And then Trish and Gordon, I recieved your letters as well! Thank you so much, sounds like your family is doing so good. And Bishop Merayo, how am I not suprised! You are going to do awesome che haha! And Dan is getting baptized! Man, thank is seriously so awesome! The Lord prepares so many people for this gospel, and it is so much fun to watch those people change as they acccept it! Dang Dad and Dallin going to the D-backs game. Those are seriously so much fun. And the tickets for only $5. Where were the seats at? Tara, the boys are looking so good and as cute as ever! How can you get mad at those faces when you catch them coloring on the carpet? And Ty, atta boy! Power Rangers is where its at buddy! And then last but not least, Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! 31 short years together. Thank you so much for everything you both do and for your examples to me. I love you!!
       So this week we went back and taught Natalia the Plan of Salvation. But the miracle happened when her husband Omar, who never would even talk to us and told us to leave the first time he saw us, came and sat down and listened with her. The lesson when so great and I know they both felt the spirit. Omar asked us when we could come back, so we set a return appoitment for the next thursday. But during the lesson Omar had smoked 4 cigarettes, and started his 5th as we were leaving. So we asked him if he would like to quit smoking, and his was like ´´oh I would love to´´. So we sat down with them again and taught the word of wisdom. We created a calender for them of how they are going to slowly smoke less and less each day and we left them with that. We came back Thursday and Omar had cut down from 30 a day down to 10, and Natalia went from 15 down to 7. So they are doing so well and love everything we are sharing with them. Then Friday we just tried stopping by and and Natalia answers the door so excited and invites us in. We sit down and she tells us ´´I read more from the Book of Mormon and prayed like you told me to do, and I felt the burning, I felt it Elders!!´´. She had recieved her answer. Then yesterday Natalia, Omar, and one of their sons Alam all showed for church. They loved it and want to come again next week! It has been amazing to see their change and their progression over just the past week! Truly incredible!
      Along with The Leiva family (Natalia and family) we had the familia Vasquez and another investigator, Matias, attend church. So we had 8 investigators at church. It was so amazing. Elder Fox and I were so excited and the ward was on fire. Everything in this area is booming! And now forthe news! The father of Familia Vasquez is home! But along with this is some sad news! At first he not only gave his permission, but wanted to get baptized as well. We had plans to baptise all 5 of them this Saturday. But yesterday we found out that Hermana Vasquez and her husband are not married. Nooo, dagger through my heart! This is such a huge problem here. So now the parents cant get baptized yet and the oldest daughter Lizbet wants to wait and get baptized with her mother. But the two other daughters Shayle and Carla were like ´´we have been waiting months for this, we are getting bapptized this saturday.´´ So even though its not all 5, we are stilling haveing a baptism for two this saturday. And Hermana Vasquez is going to talk to her husband/boyfriend/partner, whatever he is acually consideerd about marriage. So give them some time. They will get baptized eventually!
       Well the work is going great here in Rodeo del Medio in this season of mine! I have never been happier than here preaching the gospel. There really is no joy like bringing someone the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for everything. I love you all so much!

Elder Derek Wengert-W9

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